Conor Mcgregor Will Quit

Conor McGregor will Quit! Yep I’m not just saying he’ll lose on points or he’ll get knocked out by Floyd, but Conor will quit and if he doesn’t then his corner will quit for him. To think he has a one percent chance of winning is simply ludicrous. Before you…

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I am Lionel Messi

Sometimes in life God or fate or whatever you believe in throws people into your life for a reason and you never know the impact they are going to have. People have asked how I have stayed so positive and like I said previously I think I have learned to…

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Chemo Cycle 1, FAQs: Answered

As we draw towards the end of week 3 of my first cycle I thought I would answer some FAQ’s now that I’ve been through a whole cycle of chemotherapy. FAQ’s What actually happens during chemotherapy? My chemotherapy cycle lasts for 3 weeks and I am scheduled in for another…

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Fight Week!

Chemotherapy is finally upon us and should start this Wednesday if everything goes to plan. I haven’t really documented things like symptoms, feelings, diagnosis, stories yet but I will do eventually. We had the final consultation in Southampton this week to discuss my chemotherapy schedule. I will be in ‘the…

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Afs next challenge – Cancer!

Yep, you read that correctly. I found out Monday that I have Cancer and I start treatment tomorrow. “Fuck!” Yeah, That’s what I said too. “Shit” yeah I said that too. After thinking I had an infection on Thursday I went to a Hospital in Rio de Janeiro to ask…

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