Hello again,
It’s been a wild few weeks so far and a great start to February.
On February 1st I held the official book launch for Tumorous Hesticles. I shall write a separate blog for this because it was such an amazing event! Blog to follow.
The following two days I was invited to BBC Radio Solent for an hour on their Friday Social Hour with Lucy Ambache, and then Saturday morning I was on the BBC Merseyside and Lancashire Breakfast Show. Great to get some more exposure.

In January I recorded the audiobook for Tumorous Hesticles. It took 20 hours to record, edit and produce, which was a big task to get through.
Whilst the audiobook was uploaded to ACX it was estimated to be released in 10 days time.
I was notified after 5 days that it had gone LIVE on Audible, so there was a quick scramble to try and get this advertising out on the same day.
I logged on to Amazon that night to see that Tumorous Hesticles had gone to Number 1 Best-Seller for Audiobooks on cancer and also for books on disabilities.
To be amongst some of these legendary books such as the New York Times best-seller ‘When Breath Becomes Air’ and the Sunday Times best-seller ‘How To Starve Cancer’ is a real honour.
The audiobook has now started to recieve 5 star reviews also, and I am very happy about that.
If you’d like to check out the audiobook on Amazon then click here.
if you’d like to check it out on Audible then you can see how too here.
Thank you to everyone that has supported so far!
Now that the audiobook is out and I have some reviews online I am going to the next level, which will be influencer and celebrity marketing…
So, watch this space…. let’s see who we can get with a copy of Tumorous Hesticles in their hand.
Have a blessed day!