Dear Readers,
Happy New Year and all that Jazz.
It’s been a strange week. I was in the starting blocks ready to burst onto the scene for 2023. Then after catching that retched lurgy over Christmas and being in bed for three days It’s been more of a slow stumble out of the blocks.
I am feeling quite happy with myself that I didn’t start new beginnings on January 1st. I’d already started grinding way before that and January is just another part of the journey.
January 4th was a lot more difficult to get started than expected. Was it the weather? The dark days or that constant cough that won’t get rid? Then at 3 pm, I got rejected.
But it was a boost. I had a reply from one of the leading literary agencies in the country. Now, you may think this is disappointing, but it was such a near miss.
The agent said that they can totally see the value in the book and how it will make a fantastic companion to cancer sufferers and their families… BUT… without a platform already behind me, it’s difficult to sell books based on this. They suggested that I need a bigger online platform and community before getting any deals.

It’s bittersweet obviously. Just to get my book read by these people is a huge achievement. They get sent hundreds of entries per week. AND they appreciated my words.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY MAILING LIST (And your friends and family)
I have 7 more agent applications outstanding and awaiting their replies. I have in my back pocket to self-publish in March, so I do have a deadline on this project.
I’ve created a list of sports athletes, comedians, and social media influencers that I plan to ask for support with the marketing of the book. The dream would be to have the book on a shelf in Waterstones and then it gets turned into a TV show by Netflix, BBC, or ITV. Although if I have to self-publish and then create my own script then that’s the path I will take.
All in all, January is an awful month in the UK. Definitely need to plan January holidays much more, but for now, my entire life is being poured into this book. I’ve put work, money, and social lives on hold until this book is released and available to the world.
One final request, to give me an increased chance of being a bigger brand, please subscribe to my mailing list so that I can add this to my selling point to potential agents and publishers.
Thanks, Happy New Year and stay healthy.
Lots of love
Af Marseh